How to find Fulfillment & Promotion in your work

Most of us have asked the question, "What am I supposed to be doing?", at least once or possibly one million times! But I hope to encourage you through God's word that it's not all about the "WHAT". Read the verse below and we'll walk it out.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, (Colossians 3:23 NIV)

In this verse the Bible is highlighting that it's less about WHAT you're doing with your life and more about WHO you're doing it for. Stop worrying about what you are doing today and more about who you are doing it for. Are you working today for a paycheck or for God? Yes, we need that paycheck too, but it's a matter for attention and focus.It's unfortunate that many people disconnect their everyday life with their relationship and connection to God. Somehow we've decided that what I do at home or work is of little interest to God. But when God saved and redeemed you, he saved and redeemed every part and every area of your life.The other part of this verse is that we should not just start doing our job as if God is our boss, but we should do that job, whatever  it is, with all of our heart. Putting our whole-heart into it.

Most people don't need a job change they need a heart change.

If you focus on who you're doing it for and how you're getting it done, you'll find a couple of things will happen:

  1. God will be pleased

  2. You will be more fulfilled

  3. Opportunities & Promotion will follow

There are many stories throughout the Bible that show how God elevates the individual who puts their whole heart into what they do, even when it's not yet what they want to do. People like David, Abraham, and Joseph, just to name a few. Joseph worked to enlarge and add value wherever he was, and because of that he eventually got to do what he loves.

When you are doing a job you don't like but you do it with passion as for God, you'll open up doors of opportunity beyond that moment.

So, if you love what you do, be sure you're doing for God and maybe it's time to step up your level of passion with how you are doing it. But if you don't love what you do or are unsure what you're supposed to do, begin to do what you are doing with great passion and in with the goal in mind of pleasing God.

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!

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