
Before we say goodbye to 2016, I wanted to reflect quickly on THE BEST OF 2016. These are the posts that mattered the most to you! We're believing that next year is going to be incredible, filled with opportunities to encouraging and strengthening followers of Jesus from every corner of the globe! Let’s have an incredible, faith filled 2017!THE BEST OF 201610. THE CONVENIENT GOSPEL We must personally surrender fully to the gospel, and if you're a pastor, we talk about boldly bringing the full gospel even if it won't be popular.9. MISSION DRIFT | A REMINDER FOR PASTORSIn any church or organization, mission drift can sabotage the vision, but sometimes us as pastors can fall prey to the same thing in drifting from the focus of the mission that Jesus gave us.8. RUMORS OR CONVERSATIONSGod is always moving us from rumors about him to having personal conversations.7. FIVE THINGS I LOVE ABOUT GOD'S WORDThe word of God is powerful and when we allow it, it massively Changes our lives. I talk about 5 reasons why I love the word of God and how it impacts my life.6. DISAGREEMENT ISN'T HATEThis year was an intense political season, and this blog challenged a common thinking in culture that if you disagree it means that you're being hateful.5. LIVE DEVOTEDWe don't truly live fulfilled without devotion. We have a culture that tries to avoid commitment, but God's word calls us to devote ourselves to a few specific areas. Check out the 5 areas God calls us to be devoted in.4. HOW TO GET RID OF STRIFE IN YOUR LIFEStrife robs our joy, and is a killer of the quality of life that God has for us. here is a quick insight on getting rid of strife.3. I WANT IT NOW | 2 Things to Do while you waitNo matter how badly we want to rush certain seasons of our lives, there is often seasons of time and process that we cannot avoid. Here are a couple of things to do while you wait.2. FIVE NEXT STEPS AFTER YOUR CALL TO MINISTRYBeing called into full-time ministry is truly a calling, it's not a career choice. But once you receive that call, what are you next steps. Here are 5 that helped me.1. THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE CHURCHThe Holy Spirit is the primary gift that Jesus gave to the church to empower and equip us, but often the Holy Spirit is neglected in church because of fear and not knowing how to embrace the power without it getting weird.

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!

