Agitation = Transformation

Agitation is a central driving factor in personal change. If you’ve ever “hit rock bottom” or known someone who did, you know that often, until someone wants to change or more accurately, the pain of NOT CHANGING is greater than the pain of staying where you are.

Proverbs 16:26 Appetite is an incentive to work; hunger makes you work all the harder.

This means that I need to stop avoiding pain or situations that will cause me to change. We might think we don’t do that, but it usually looks more like “avoiding uncomfortable” situations like that successful friend that makes you feel a little insecure about where you are financially or avoiding that double date with the couple that’s so in love that it confronts your marriages apathy or staying away from a church services because you know that message is going to challenge your lifestyle choices or maybe unfollowing that healthy friend that keeps making you feel uncomfortable about your eating choices! (Lord knows I’ve almost unfollowed a few of my friends for that!!! haha)

So, from a personal standpoint, let me remind you and myself to keep putting yourself around people and situations that agitate you and make you uncomfortable until you finally change.

It’s the same in an any organization, city, or nation. Enough of the population must get agitated towards change. So, the enemy of change is indifference and passivity. In America’s case. The devil’s agenda has been advancing pretty much uncontested in the last decades. Agenda’s like, breakdown of the Biblical view of marriage and family, gender confusion, pedofilia and the horrific atrosity of Abortion (driven largely by killing machines like Planned Parenthood). It’s not that there hasn’t been some that have stood against it, but collective awakening and agitation of culture hadn’t reached a point that would motivate change.

And if you consider what part or people within the earth are the pushers of life, freedom, value, truth and many more essential characteristics of a strong and healthy society, it can come from only one group; Followers of Jesus. Only the Church of Jesus are the ones who are driven by a Biblically base worldview that sees all people as loved and valued by God and therefore is driven to develop civilizations where people are treating accordingly and where God is worshiped and honored.

While there is much pain around us, my hope is that we have started to reach a boiling point in American culture and beyond. The agitation has started to rise collectively and it’s beginning with believers. If we do not stand up to declare what God’s Kingdom coming to earth looks like than there will be many other satanic inspired voices who will sow in confusion and depravity and pull culture away from God and His Word. Now is the time for the agitation of the church.

I pray that’s it’s an agitation towards our freedom as a nation. But, ultimately an agitation that calls people towards Jesus. Only the truth and grace that Jesus provides can truly bring freedom and fulfilment that our souls long for.

Those who would be willing to stand up and raise their voice for change must lead it effectively. The pain and heartache of the nation is not due to bad policies and poor leadership alone; the pain is a byproduct of a nation that has rejected God has its foundation. We must work for change in laws and policies in our nation that promote the truths found in the Bible that lead to life, liberty, fulfilment and prosperity, but all that will be short lived if we don’t first call our nation back to Jesus.

Now, I’m not just talking about calling people or a nation to Jesus as the savior who gives us a “get out of hell” pass, but I’m talking about calling our world to look to Jesus as Lord of their lives. This means that we fully submit to His leadership in every area of lives.

I’m praying that the current leaders of our churches, myself included, would allow the discomfort and the pain of this season we’re in to stir us and cause us to lead our nation back towards the rock and foundation of worship of Jesus as Lord. Without this foundation being re-established our nation cannot hope to last.


Pastors, Your Church Will Follow Like You Lead.
